- November 2024: Gave a short-talk at Genome Informatics 2024, Wellcome Genome Campus.
- October 2023: Delivered a platform oral presentation at ASHG 2023 in Washington, DC.
- May 2024: Gave a short-talk at Jackson Laboratories Workshop on Long-Read Sequencing.
- October 2023: Published "Alzheimer’s disease rewires gene coexpression networks" in npj Systems Biology and Applications.
- July 2022: Defended my proposal and became a PhD Candidate.
- August 2021: Joined Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai as a PhD Student.
- June 2021: Our meta-analysis paper on the iGEM Interlab studies is now published in Plos one.
- September 2020: Our paper on the iGEM 2018 InterLab study got published in Communications Biology!
- February 2020: Presented updated work of ChassiDex at EMBO symposium Designing Biological Systems.
- December 2019: Master's thesis work on Alzheimer's inter-tissue co-expression network dysregulation presented by advisor at CSHL conference - Development and 3D Modeling of the Human Brain!
- October 2019: Presented work on the spatial progression of Alzheimer's at BESCON.
- October 2019: Our paper on the iGEM 2018 InterLab study is now on bioRxiv!
- July 2019: Our paper on ChassiDex the host organism database is now on bioRxiv!
- October 2018: Won the Gold Medal at the iGEM 2018 competition!
- November 2017: Won the Silver Medal at the iGEM 2018 competition!
- May 2018: I visited CDrum Lab, NUS as an undergraduate summer researcher.
- May 2017: I visited MedGenome as a undergraduate summer intern.
I am passionate about computational biology, focusing on analyzing the human genome to understand complex diseases.
My work involves multi-ancestry meta-analysis, cell-type prioritization using snRNA-seq, and exploring the transcriptional complexity
of the brain using long-read sequencing.
BigBrain: Decoding the trans-regulatory architecture of expression and splicing using >11k postmortem human brain transcriptomes.
Kailash BP,
Aline Réal,
Winston H Cuddleston,
Benjamin Z Muller,
Beomjin Jang,
Jack Humphrey,
David A Knowles,
Towfique Raj.
ASHG 2023;
JAX Long-read sequencing workshop 2024;
Genome Informatics Wellcome Genome Campus 2024.
The transcriptional complexity of the human brain is genetically controlled through a network of cis and
trans-acting genetic regulatory elements. Numerous studies have elucidated the functional consequences of
cis-acting genetic variants and their ties to neurological disease risk. However, fewer studies have explored
trans-acting genetic variants, which often indirectly modulate gene expression and splicing through
cis-regulatory elements. Studying these indirect trans-regulated effects is particularly challenging due to their small
individual effect sizes and huge genome-wide multiple testing burden. So, to achieve the statistical power
required to map trans-acting variants influencing the transcriptome, we have uniformly processed a paired
transcriptomic-genetic resource called “BigBrain” containing 13,350 RNA-seq samples with corresponding genotype
data from 6,586 individuals from 12 publicly available cohorts. BigBrain includes data from healthy controls and
various brain disorders spanning several central nervous system regions and ancestries. Large-scale genome-wide
quantitative-trait-loci mapping of trans-acting genetic variants using BigBrain will enhance our understanding
of the genetic regulation of the human brain and nominate regulatory elements contributing to neurological
disease risk.
Multi-tissue differential correlation analysis of Alzheimer's disease
Kailash B P,
Naga Venkata Sai Kumar,
Srivatsan C R,
Philge Philip,
Manikandan Narayanan.
BESCON 2019;
CSHL - Development and 3D Modeling of the Human Brain 2019.
The study aims to understand the inter-tissue network of gene-gene interactions at the transcriptional level.
We developed a framework to statistically infer the underlying correlation (co-expression) network structure among
genes in different brain tissues, and the rewiring of this gene co-expression network between healthy vs diseased
groups of individuals. We applied this framework to infer inter-tissue interactions in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)
across four different brain regions - Frontal pole, Superior temporal gyrus, Parahippocampal gyrus, and Inferior
frontal gyrus - by utilizing gene expression data available on these brain tissues/regions collected postmortem from
about 225 AD individuals with varying disease severity and 100 healthy controls. Known cell type-specific marker genes
are then used to estimate the frequency of different brain cell types in each individual and thereby assess the effect
of cellular composition on the identified inter-tissue gene networks.
Robust Estimation of Bacterial Cell Count from Optical Density
Jacob Beal,
Natalie G. Farny,
Traci Haddock-Angelli,
Vinoo Selvarajah,
Geoff S. Baldwin,
Russell Buckley-Taylor,
Markus Gershater,
Daisuke Kiga
John Marken
Vishal Sanchania
Abigail Sison
Christopher T. Workman,
iGEM InterLab Study Contributor.
Comms Bio, 2020.
The iGEM InterLab Study is a series of projects ( 2014 and 2015 study,
2016 study, 2018 study) organized
by the iGEM competition, focused on addressing the problems frequenting reproducibility in science.
The 2018 InterLab study of which I was a part of addresses the question, Can we reduce lab-to-lab variability in fluorescence measurements by normalizing to absolute cell count or colony-forming units (CFUs) instead of OD?
A widely used and important technique to measure the optical density (OD) of bacterial growth spectrophotometry, is based on fluorescent measurements. So, it is essential to address the variability in these measurements to ensure reproducibility across labs.
Recommendations to produce reliable and repeatable measurements based on studying the data from 244 different labs is detailed in the paper.
ChassiDex: A microbial database useful for synthetic biology applications
Kailash B P,
Karthik D,
Mousami Shinde,
Nikhita Damaraju,
Anantha Barathi Muthukrishnan,
Shashi Bala Prasad,
Guhan Jayaraman.
bioRxiv, 2019; EMBO Symposium - Engineering meets evolution: Designing biological systems.
ChassiDex is an open-source, easy to access database of host organisms and tools to work with them. Researchers are increasingly opting to work with unconventional organisms as they have unique advantages over common model organisms, but the characterization of these organisms haven't been documented extensively. ChassiDex provides information about growth and maintenance conditions of such different organisms with applications in synthetic biology, protocols, parts, vectors and other data required to work with them, all in one place.
The Language Project
Synthetic biology is a recent and unique field that raises several ethical questions, and therefore, public engagement is essential.
India is a diverse country with 22 official languages where only 10.6% of the population understands English (2011 census).
The Language Project aims to break the language barrier to make science accessible to everyone.
Hence, we began with the goal to design an introductory course on the basics of synthetic biology in several Indian languages.
We have so far created more than 100 educational videos, across 26 languages (9 Indian vernacular languages) by collaborating with 13
other iGEM teams. The effort which began as part of the community outreach for the iGEM 2018 competition, continued for the iGEM 2019 competition.
The science communication inititative was recongized at the iGEM 2019 competition with a nomination for the Best Education and Public Engagement award!
- Received the bursary Award + Graduate Student Travel Award for Genome Informatics 2024
Selected by the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) Awards Committee as
one of 60 predoctoral semifinalists among over 1,000 applicants for the
2023 Trainee Awards for Excellence in Human Genetics Research
receiving a cash award of $750.
- Received scholarship + Travel award amounting to 2785$ to attend the Summer Institute of Statistical
Genetics 2023.
1 of 6 winners/26 selected teams at the Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) poster presentation competition at a national technical festival Shaastra 2019, for presenting work on the ChassiDex database.
- Led the IIT-Madras iGEM team to a Gold Medal at the iGEM 2018 competition.
- Won the silver medeal with the IIT-Madras iGEM team at the iGEM 2017 competition.
1st/7 teams at a bio-hackathon conducted by SVCE iGEM 2017 team, for developing a user-friendly web page to codon optimize protein sequences for different chassis, using Python library Flask, HTML, and CSS.
Teaching Assistant for BSR-1012: Biomedical Science - Fall; (Nov - Dec 2024)
Teaching Assistant for BIO6300: Introduction to R Programming; (Jul - Dec 2022)
Teaching Assistant for BT3040: Bioinformatics; (Jan - Aug 2020)
Teaching Assistant for CS6024: Algorithmic approaches to computational biology; (Jul - Dec 2019)